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Mission Statement

The Office of the Notary to Government fulfils notarial functions for the Government of Malta. Our mission is to assist in the publication and signing of contracts and agreements to which the Government is a party, in accordance with the Notarial Profession and Notarial Archives Act. The Office of the Notary to Government also incorporates within it the Principal Notarial Archive, which gathers and preserves the original contracts published by notaries whilst ensuring that such contracts are also accessible to the public in digital format in order to provide a service of excellence.
The Office of the Notary to Government and Notarial Archives provides various services such as:
Drafting and publishing of notarial deeds to which the Government or any corporate body established by law is a party;
Receiving bound volumes of original notarial deeds published by notaries in Malta following their review in terms of Chapter 55 of the Laws of Malta;
Serving as a depository of such volumes containing notarial deeds for their safekeeping and preservation;​
Indexing, marking, storing and conserving such volumes of notarial deeds and taking all security measures to prevent loss by fire, theft or other circumstances, of these notarial records conserved in the Notarial Archives;
Providing service to members of the public wishing to inspect any deed published by notaries practising in Malta from the fifteenth century to date and to order a copy thereof;
Serving as a useful source of reference material to researchers and scholars;
Reviewing of public wills published by notaries in Malta and Gozo;
Preparation and organisation of the notarial warrant examination held annually and subsequent procedures leading to the award of notarial warrants;
Preparing and updating of the list of notaries in Malta and Gozo which is published annually in the Government Gazette -   Updated Notary List​ and Notary K​eepers​​.
Serving as Keepers of other notaries who are deceased or who have renounced their warrant or have been disbarred from practising the notarial profession;
To effect in a professional manner the restoration of old notarial volumes as well as the repair or rebinding of other volumes as necessary from time to time;
To cater for proper modern storage facilities particularly by means of digitisation of the notarial records housed in the Archives;
Active participation to promote the Notarial Archives both at St. Christopher Street, Valletta, and at M.A. Vassalli Street, Valletta.  In this regard this Office has managed to obtain EU funding for two projects, one relating to the rehabilitation of a new building acquired in 2015 adjacent to the Notarial Archives in St. Christopher Street, and the other for the digitisation of notarial deeds at the main Archives; both projects are currently under way;

​Promoting new policies for the simplification of bureaucracy with regard to notarial affairs such as the revocation of mandates and incapacitation or interdiction.
 Office of the Notary to Government and Notarial Archives
Mikiel Anton Vassalli Street 
Valletta, Malta
VLT 1310
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday from 07.30 to 15.00

